Penn State Cooperative Extension, in partnership with Penn State School of Forest Resources, PPL and the local woodland owner associations are proud to provide you with an opportunity to learn about sustainable forestry through our Introduction to Forest Management course.
The course will be at the PPL Montour Preserve, near Washingtonville, PA on Saturday, October 30 from 10:00 a.m until 3:30 p.m. This course is designed for private forest landowners, professional timber harvesters, and sportsmen and women who are interested in learning more about sustainable forest management. This is an opportunity to talk to natural resource management professionals who have experience in managing forest resources.

Pennsylvania has nearly 17 million acres of forests covering 60% of the state’s land area. The largest share of Pennsylvania’s forest is privately owned, accounting for more than 70% of the forested acres (12.5 million acres). Estimates put the number of private forest owners at more than 750,000. Families own forests for diverse reasons including values such as aesthetics, wildlife, privacy, and family legacy.
The course will cover such topics as forest history, ecology, management techniques, and best management practices. It includes both indoor lecture and outdoor discussions. This course will strengthen your knowledge of sustainable forest management. Without sustainable management forests will not provide future generations with the same quality resources we have today. A follow-up course entitled SF-II, Advanced Forest Management will be offered in the near future.
To register or for more information the Penn State Cooperative Extension office in Tioga County at 570-724-9120 or the Penn State Cooperative Extension office in Bradford County at 570-265-2896 e-mail The registration fee is $10.00 per person and includes refreshments and educational materials. The deadline for registration is Thursday, October 28. Participants must be pre-registered.
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